Over 5000 years, longevity method of ancient medicine in India “Ayurveda”, recommends Copper Therapy which store water in the copper made kettle for overnight and drink in the morning. The US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has registered copper as an antimicrobial metal that inhibits infections such as Escherichia coli, in-hospital infections, pneumococcus and allergies.

Eco-Textile with New Functional Copper Yarn
Copper is an essential ingredient in human life maintenance, containing about 1.4 to 2.1 mg per kg of body weight, and has been widely used in medical disinfection products. The copper fabric (textile or fiber) are used to reduce allergies and infections caused by asthma and dust mites through antibacterial, antimicrobial and self-sterilizing functions. The copper ingredient is known as safe as it has low sensitivity to human tissues and exists in a non-soluble form.